Chapter 12: Today’s The Day: You’ve Achieved Your Thought Leadership Wish; You Are Now the Big Fish.
In Chapter 12, you’ll read how to implement thought leadership into your company, or as part of your personal brand. It’s a big deal. You’re a big deal. Just don’t go around barking it. That’s because thought leaders don’t call themselves thought leaders; it’s bad form, but not as bad as a friend of mine who told me the best pick-up line ever was when he was asked how he made a living, his reply was, “I’m a thought leader”. And my reply to him, was, of course, “The only thing you ever picked-up was COVID”.
Look, you might be a big fish now that you’re a bona fide thought leader, but I’ve got some news for you, don’t be fishy about it. Don’t brag, boast, or worse, showboat like you just hoisted a 54” Muskie into your new boat.
Do not gloat.
Thought leadership is like saffron, a little goes a long way, and too much of it turns ingredients yellow. Keep it down-to-earth where it belongs. When you’re rooted, you’re undisputed.