“Tom Marks presents a straightforward process for developing the competency of thought leadership. It’s a great read!”

CIO Trader Joe’s and adjunct professor, California State University, Los Angeles

“The secret from Tom’s book is that thought leadership starts and ends with not trying to be different, but simply being more of yourself.”

The “Godfather of Content Marketing” and best selling author

“I take exception to just one thing about this book—it is not ‘the second-best business book ever written’, it is the best! You can put away all the other business books on your list and read this one—it’s that good.”

CMO and brand consultant

Tom Marks - The Second-Best Business Book Ever
Tom Marks - The Second-Best Business Book Ever

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About the Book

Honesty in thought leadership matters. And so does seeing the light.

Honesty, in its purest form, is a key characteristic of all thought leaders, so I’m going to hit you with the truth. Many business books today are written for the purpose of winning more business for an author, or acquiring new speaking gigs, and anyone who fits into that camp is A-OK with me. It’s a smart move. But after more than four decades in sales and marketing, I’m beyond those goals. Frankly, it feels great that I’m not anchored to those intentions anymore. I have only one intent in The Second-Best Business Book Ever Written, and that’s to teach the ins and outs of thought leadership to as many people as possible because that’s how corporations, and the individuals who run them, succeed.

There’s a process to becoming a thought leader; it’s methodical, detailed, and rewarding. After all, where’s the amusement in being a price-chopper? Or even a technology leader where the tenure is as short as my nephew’s attention span? The greatest thought leaders started sharing their thinking 2,500 years ago through the teachings of my four favorites: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Aspasia.

I’m going to travel with you down the thought leadership road, known as the Via Egnatia, from the foothills that rise above Athens to the skyscrapers that tower above Madison Avenue. And along the way, I’m going to show you how I did it for Fortune 500 companies, and for small and midsize businesses, with a few wild detours along the way.

Tom Marks

Seeing the light.

By all accounts, the Green Bay Packers future Hall of Fame quarterback Aaron Rodgers was born with a rock-solid throwing arm and an annoying chip on his shoulder. I’m no Rodgers fan; after all, I was born and raised in inner-city Chicago and have been a Bears fan since birth, but I recognize greatness, and Aaron Rodgers is a great football player. Some of his other qualities? Not so much.

But these aren’t lessons about tackle football. They’re insights about leadership; about what happens off the football field, and on a more important playing field; about greatness in sales, marketing, and business; and about thought leadership, the single most important differentiator in the business playbook.

Or, as Plato not so recently said, obviously unaware of Aaron Rodgers’s famous retreat into darkness, “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”

I’d like to shed some light on what’s required in business, but frequently misunderstood. What every salesperson needs to know, but doesn’t always know how to achieve it. And what every marketing expert wishes they had in their bag of tricks. To simply say that thought leadership is an essential part of the disciplines of market leaders is like saying a stick is an essential part of a Popsicle. Well, it is, assuming you’re not interested in taste, color, packaging, name, price, quality, and the beat goes on.

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Over the many years I’ve known Tom as both friend and mentor, I’ve learned more about business thought leadership from him than I have from the many books I’ve read about it. Each page of this book is crammed with wisdom and insight, and I guarantee that you will underline, highlight, and dog-ear it. By his own definition, Tom cannot call himself a ‘thought leader’, but there is nothing that prevents me from bestowing it. I take exception to just one thing about this book—it is not ‘the second-best business book ever written’, it is the best! You can put away all the other business books on your list and read this one—it’s that good

Alan Bergstrom
CMO and Brand Consultant

From the teachings of Aristotle in the halls of Lyceum to wisdom-based pitches made by Sales Executives in the corporate Boardroom, Tom blends history, data science, psychology and personal experience into a well-conceived methodology delivering fact-based instruction sure to improve sales and overall business results. Focusing on the customer, developing critical insights from industry trends, and mastering the art of storytelling form the foundation of Thought Leadership, the pinnacle of positioning in the corporate office and in the market. I found Tom’s writing to be reflective, insightful, inspirational, informative, amusing and challenging. I trust you will as well.

Doug Deardorf
Chief Executive Officer NiSoft™

Based on the wisdom of ancient philosophers, Tom Marks presents a straightforward process for developing the competency of thought leadership. Most notably, his process is as relevant for selling products and services to prospective clients as it is for selling individual competencies and know-how to a potential employer. It’s a great read!

Dr. Ron Glickman
Author of Lead for a Change: Proven Strategies to Clarify Expectation, Foster Growth and Achieve Breakthroughs

Business goals are necessary, but sometimes they get in the way. You want to be a leader? You want to make a difference in your company, your community? The secret from this book is that leadership – thought leadership – starts and ends with not trying to be different, but simply being more of yourself. Be human. Be honest. Plan your business strategy around that and success won’t be far away.

Joe Pulizzi
Best-selling author of seven books including Content Inc. and Epic Content Marketing

Well written, timely and incredibly relevant for anyone that practices thought leadership, consumes thought leadership or is curious about thought leadership. Buy it! Read it! Embrace it!

Peter Winick
Founder and CEO: Thought Leadership Leverage

Admittedly, I had only barely heard of thought leadership prior to reading Tom Marks’ The Second-Best Business Book Ever Written. Thanks to Tom’s caring, creative, and curious new book, thought leadership will help guide and influence both our organization and my leadership throughout our future endeavors. Tom’s ability to clearly articulate difficult and insightful business concepts in a humorous and positive way, will be helpful to any reader whether your early in your career or a seasoned CEO. A truly great read.

Jason Ilstrup, J.D.
President Downtown Madison, Inc.

Much of what passes for thought leadership these days is a provocative idea packaged in a pithy way designed to generate clicks.

That is most definitely NOT what Tom Marks writes in his The Second Best Business Book Ever Written. Rather, Marks identifies three key sources of human behavior – Desire, Emotion and knowledge – and links thought leadership around these ideas to three areas of influence – Wisdom, Trust and Ethics.

Of course, none of these ideas are new which is why Marks traces them back to the classic Greek Scholars, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the lesser known, Aspasia. Deriving lessons from these original thought leaders, as well as from the worlds of sports and Broadway musicals, Marks makes the compelling case that market leadership, as well as thought leadership, is predicated upon these eternal truths. Having experienced living and working in non-Western cultures, I can say that whether your world view is rooted in ancient Greek philosophers ,or Buddha, or Confucius, these truths that have stood the test of time can be wonderful guides to business and personal success.

Jonathan Gartner

About the Author

Tom Marks

Tom Marks survived forty-seven years in the advertising business and has lived to write about it. He’s the founder of TMA+Peritus, one of the leading marketing, thought leadership, and corporate ethics firms in North America and has won more than sixty-five American Advertising Awards for his writing. He spent many years on the professional speakers circuit and survived that, too. His thought leadership workshops for Fortune 500 companies have brought him national acclaim and has made him a favorite among the nation’s CEOs.

“Tom is like the professor we all wanted to listen to in college. Bright and insightful, kind and enduring.”
Dr. Eric Giordano, Executive Director, Wisconsin Institute of Public Policy & Service

“With more than 45 years of experience working with Fortune 500 companies, Tom is a thought leader’s thought leader.”
Lois Weiland, International Television Association.


Thomas R. Marks: America's leading sales and marketing thought leader

This Was Tom’s Sizzle Reel When He Was On The National Professional Speaking Circuit

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